Mac 版的 word 如何删除知网研学的插件,这个 app 已经被卸载了,但 word 上的插件还存在,如何卸载呢?
shinecurve 96 天前
牛皮癣都扩张到 macOS 上了😅
shinecurve 96 天前
1. Open a Word document.
2. Go to "Tools > Templates and Add-Ins". |
yeungtien2021 OP @shinecurve #2 把插件取消勾选后,下次打开文档,工具栏还是有这个插件
shinecurve 94 天前
Make a note of the Full path displayed below the window. Close Word. In the Finder, hold down the Option key while clicking on the Go menu and choose Library. Your hidden user library folder opens. Navigate to the folder you noted in the full path. Please note that some folders in the full path may have .localized appended to the name, but .localized will not appear in the Finder name. As an example, if the path includes User Content.localized, look for User Content. Drag the add-in to the trash. Open Word to test that the message no longer displays. |
yeungtien2021 OP @shinecurve #4 上面的确写了路径,我尝试按照路径去找,结果这个路径下的子目录是空的,甚至没有隐藏文件。最终的解决方案是重新下载知网研学,然后在知网研学的菜单里找到卸载插件选项,才最终删除。