24h 紧盯显示器的运维为何忽然神秘地有了空余时间?
听云身为 SaaS 领域唯一上市新三板的公司, 对加入公测的同学的奖励,也大方的不要不要的:
成功部署听云 Server for Python 探针,发送截图及账户名至 [email protected] , 前 50 名部署成功同学(以收到邮件时间为准), 雷蛇游戏键鼠套装为您双手奉上!
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glasslion 2015-08-19 18:43:25 +08:00
连 pypi 都不上传一个, 不觉得很 low 吗
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zjxubinbin 2015-08-19 20:27:01 +08:00
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zjxubinbin 2015-08-19 20:35:18 +08:00
部署了半天没数据,发现竟然只支持 Django,看来我等用 Flask 的与键盘无缘了,哎~我还是洗洗睡吧~
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defunct9 2015-08-19 21:37:17 +08:00 via Android
为了抢键盘,居然用手机注册账号,上服务器装了 Sys 探针发了邮件。回来发现居然要 python 探针,装上用 flask,失败。再来, django,成功。拼了!
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le0rn0 2015-08-19 21:51:40 +08:00
渣渣,大晚上的给反馈个 bug 都没人理
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lins05 2015-08-19 22:47:18 +08:00
license key 旁边的复制按钮的英文应该用 copy 而不是 duplicate 吧
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glasslion 2015-08-20 00:09:23 +08:00
Copyright (c ) 2010-2015 New Relic, Inc. All rights reserved.
Certain inventions disclosed in this file may be claimed within patents owned or patent applications filed by New Relic, Inc. or third parties. Subject to the terms of this notice, New Relic grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable license, without the right to sublicense, to (a ) install and execute one copy of these files on any number of workstations owned or controlled by you and (b ) distribute verbatim copies of these files to third parties. As a condition to the foregoing grant, you must provide this notice along with each copy you distribute and you must not remove, alter, or obscure this notice. All other use, reproduction, modification, distribution, or other exploitation of these files is strictly prohibited, except as may be set forth in a separate written license agreement between you and New Relic. The terms of any such license agreement will control over this notice. The license stated above will be automatically terminated and revoked if you exceed its scope or violate any of the terms of this notice. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of New Relic, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of this file and reproducing the content of this notice. You may not mark or brand this file with any trade name, trademarks, service marks, or product names other than the original brand (if any ) provided by New Relic. Unless otherwise expressly agreed by New Relic in a separate written license agreement, these files are provided AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, including without any implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, or NON-INFRINGEMENT. As a condition to your use of these files, you are solely responsible for such use. New Relic will have no liability to you for direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, special, or punitive damages or for lost profits or data. |
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glasslion 2015-08-20 00:19:58 +08:00
@Livid 这个产品的 Python 探针 代码是 完全抄袭竞争对手 New Relic 的 https://pypi.python.org/pypi/newrelic
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glasslion 2015-08-20 00:22:56 +08:00
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Strikeactor 2015-08-20 00:28:12 +08:00
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beordle 2015-08-20 00:33:41 +08:00
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zjxubinbin 2015-08-20 09:32:08 +08:00
@glasslion 莫不是又一个骗投资人的?
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est 2015-08-20 09:46:51 +08:00
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alsotang 2015-08-20 10:42:03 +08:00
newrelic 到底应该最更强的混淆。。还是应该直接开源呢。。。
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TINGYUN OP @zjxubinbin 听云的 Python 探针是在开源的基础上、公司内部数据协议上自行研发的,对于一些其他框架、插件的开发,将会逐渐的支持。
另据研发同学的可靠消息,对 Tornado , flask 的支持,很快就会实现啦。 |
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TINGYUN OP @glasslion 同学提抄袭这词有些严肃啊,那就认真的回复下这个质疑(明明上面的回复也很认真)@Strikeactor @beordle @zjxubinbin @alsotang
首先,听云绝对不会抄袭的。 听云和 New Relic 都是基于第三方的开源模块 wrapt ,加自主研发。两家都大量借用了 wrapt, requests 模块相关功能。某一语言的探针的监测原理是一样的,基于开源组件,部分源码有重叠,是自然的事情。 下面是三段听云和 New Relic 核心代码的对照。 tingyun-hooks_entrance.py //i.v2ex.co/d0c12Dn1.png //i.v2ex.co/TVII4A7b.png newrelic-weib_transaction.py import sys import cgi import base64 import time import string import re import json import logging try: import urlparse except ImportError: import urllib.parse as urlparse import newrelic.packages.six as six import newrelic.api.application import newrelic.api.transaction import newrelic.api.object_wrapper import newrelic.api.function_trace _logger = logging.getLogger (__name__) _rum_header_fragment = '<script type="text/javascript">' \ 'var NREUMQ=NREUMQ||[];NREUMQ.push (["mark","firstbyte",' \ 'new Date ().getTime ()]);</script>' _rum_footer_short_fragment = '<script type="text/javascript">' \ 'if (!NREUMQ.f ){NREUMQ.f=function (){NREUMQ.push (["load",' \ 'new Date ().getTime ()]);if (NREUMQ.a )NREUMQ.a ();};' \ 'NREUMQ.a=window.onload;window.onload=NREUMQ.f;};' \ 'NREUMQ.push (["nrf2","%s","%s","%s","%s",%d,%d,' \ 'new Date ().getTime ()]);</script>' _rum2_footer_short_fragment = '<script type="text/javascript">' \ 'if (!NREUMQ.f ){NREUMQ.f=function (){NREUMQ.push (["load",' \ 'new Date ().getTime ()]);if (NREUMQ.a )NREUMQ.a ();};' \ 'NREUMQ.a=window.onload;window.onload=NREUMQ.f;};' \ 'NREUMQ.push (["nrfj","%s","%s","%s","%s",%d,%d,' \ 'new Date ().getTime (),"%s","%s","%s","%s","%s"]);</script>' _rum_footer_long_fragment = '<script type="text/javascript">' \ 'if (!NREUMQ.f ){NREUMQ.f=function (){NREUMQ.push (["load",' \ 'new Date ().getTime ()]);var e=document.createElement ("script");' \ 'e.type="text/javascript";' \ 'e.src=(("http:"===document.location.protocol )?"http:":"https:")' \ '+"//"+"%s";document.body.appendChild (e );if (NREUMQ.a )NREUMQ.a ();};' \ 'NREUMQ.a=window.onload;window.onload=NREUMQ.f;};' \ 'NREUMQ.push (["nrf2","%s","%s","%s","%s",%d,%d,' \ 'new Date ().getTime ()]);</script>' _rum2_footer_long_fragment = '<script type="text/javascript">' \ 'if (!NREUMQ.f ){NREUMQ.f=function (){NREUMQ.push (["load",' \ 'new Date ().getTime ()]);var e=document.createElement ("script");' \ 'e.type="text/javascript";' \ 'e.src=(("http:"===document.location.protocol )?"http:":"https:")' \ '+"//"+"%s";document.body.appendChild (e );if (NREUMQ.a )NREUMQ.a ();};' \ 'NREUMQ.a=window.onload;window.onload=NREUMQ.f;};' \ 'NREUMQ.push (["nrfj","%s","%s","%s","%s",%d,%d,' \ 'new Date ().getTime (),"%s","%s","%s","%s","%s"]);</script>' # Seconds since epoch for Jan 1 2000 JAN_1_2000 = time.mktime ((2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )) def _encode (name, key ): s = [] # Convert name and key into bytes which are treated as integers. key = list (six.iterbytes (six.b (key ))) for i, c in enumerate (six.iterbytes (six.b (name ))): s.append (chr (c ^ key[i % len (key )])) return s if six.PY3: def obfuscate (name, key ): if not (name and key ): return '' # Always pass name and key as str to _encode () return str (base64.b64encode (six.b (''.join (_encode (name, key )))), encoding='Latin-1') else: def obfuscate (name, key ): if not (name and key ): return '' # Always pass name and key as str to _encode () return base64.b64encode (six.b (''.join (_encode (name, key )))) def deobfuscate (name, key ): if not (name and key ): return '' # Always pass name and key as str to _encode () return ''.join (_encode (six.text_type (base64.b64decode (six.b (name )), encoding='Latin-1'), key )) def _lookup_environ_setting (environ, name, default=False ): flag = environ.get (name, default ) if default is None or default: try: flag = not flag.lower () in ['off', 'false', '0'] except AttributeError: pass else: try: flag = flag.lower () in ['on', 'true', '1'] except AttributeError: pass return flag def _extract_token (cookie ): try: t = re.search (r"\bNRAGENT=(tk=.{16})", cookie ) token = re.search (r"^tk=([^\"<'>]+)$", t.group (1 )) if t else None return token and token.group (1 ) except Exception: pass class WebTransaction (newrelic.api.transaction.Transaction ): def __init__(self, application, environ ): # The web transaction can be enabled/disabled by # the value of the variable "newrelic.enabled" # in the WSGI environ dictionary. We need to check # this before initialising the transaction as needs # to be passed in base class constructor. The # default is None, which would then result in the # base class making the decision based on whether # application or agent as a whole are enabled. enabled = _lookup_environ_setting (environ, 'newrelic.enabled', None ) # Initialise the common transaction base class. newrelic.api.transaction.Transaction.__init__(self, application, enabled ) # Bail out if the transaction is running in a # disabled state. if not self.enabled: return # Will need to check the settings a number of times. settings = self._settings # Check for override settings from WSGI environ. self.background_task = _lookup_environ_setting (environ, 'newrelic.set_background_task', False ) self.ignore_transaction = _lookup_environ_setting (environ, 'newrelic.ignore_transaction', False ) self.suppress_apdex = _lookup_environ_setting (environ, 'newrelic.suppress_apdex_metric', False ) self.suppress_transaction_trace = _lookup_environ_setting (environ, 'newrelic.suppress_transaction_trace', False ) self.capture_params = _lookup_environ_setting (environ, 'newrelic.capture_request_params', settings.capture_params ) self.autorum_disabled = _lookup_environ_setting (environ, 'newrelic.disable_browser_autorum', not settings.browser_monitoring.auto_instrument ) # Extract from the WSGI environ dictionary # details of the URL path. This will be set as # default path for the web transaction. This can # be overridden by framework to be more specific # to avoid metrics explosion problem resulting # from too many distinct URLs for same resource # due to use of REST style URL concepts or # otherwise. request_uri = environ.get ('REQUEST_URI', None ) script_name = environ.get ('SCRIPT_NAME', None ) path_info = environ.get ('PATH_INFO', None ) http_cookie = environ.get ('HTTP_COOKIE', None ) if http_cookie and ("NRAGENT" in http_cookie ): self.rum_token = _extract_token ( http_cookie ) self.rum_trace = True if self.rum_token else False self._request_uri = request_uri if self._request_uri is not None: # Need to make sure we drop off any query string # arguments on the path if we have to fallback # to using the original REQUEST_URI. Can't use # attribute access on result as only support for # Python 2.5+. self._request_uri = urlparse.urlparse (self._request_uri )[2] if script_name is not None or path_info is not None: if path_info is None: path = script_name elif script_name is None: path = path_info else: path = script_name + path_info self.set_transaction_name (path, 'Uri', priority=1 ) if self._request_uri is None: self._request_uri = path else: if self._request_uri is not None: self.set_transaction_name (self._request_uri, 'Uri', priority=1 ) # See if the WSGI environ dictionary includes the # special 'X-Request-Start' or 'X-Queue-Start' HTTP # headers. These header are optional headers that can be # set within the underlying web server or WSGI server to # indicate when the current request was first received # and ready to be processed. The difference between this # time and when application starts processing the # request is the queue time and represents how long # spent in any explicit request queuing system, or how # long waiting in connecting state against listener # sockets where request needs to be proxied between any # processes within the application server. # # Note that mod_wsgi sets its own distinct variables # automatically. Initially it set mod_wsgi.queue_start, # which equated to when Apache first accepted the # request. This got changed to mod_wsgi.request_start # however, and mod_wsgi.queue_start was instead used |
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TINGYUN OP @glasslion
tingyun-memcache_trace.py import logging from tingyun.api.tracert.memcache_node import MemcacheNode from tingyun.api.objects.object_wrapper import wrap_object, FunctionWrapper from tingyun.api.tracert.time_trace import TimeTrace from tingyun.api.transaction.base import current_transaction _logger = logging.getLogger (__name__) class MemcacheTrace (TimeTrace ): def __init__(self, transaction, command ): super (MemcacheTrace, self ).__init__(transaction ) self.command = command def create_node (self ): return MemcacheNode (command=self.command, children=self.children, start_time=self.start_time, end_time=self.end_time, duration=self.duration, exclusive=self.exclusive ) def terminal_node (self ): return True def memcached_trace_wrapper (wrapped, command ): """ :return: """ def dynamic_wrapper (wrapped, instance, args, kwargs ): transaction = current_transaction () if transaction is None: return wrapped (*args, **kwargs ) if instance is not None: _command = command (instance, *args, **kwargs ) else: _command = command (*args, **kwargs ) with MemcacheTrace (transaction, _command ): return wrapped (*args, **kwargs ) def literal_wrapper (wrapped, instance, args, kwargs ): transaction = current_transaction () if transaction is None: return wrapped (*args, **kwargs ) with MemcacheTrace (transaction, command ): return wrapped (*args, **kwargs ) if callable (command ): return FunctionWrapper (wrapped, dynamic_wrapper ) return FunctionWrapper (wrapped, literal_wrapper ) # egg: (memcached, Client.append, get ) def wrap_memcache_trace (module, object_path, command ): wrap_object (module, object_path, memcached_trace_wrapper, (command,)) newrelic-memcache_trace.py import sys import types import time import logging import newrelic.core.memcache_node import newrelic.api.transaction import newrelic.api.time_trace import newrelic.api.object_wrapper _logger = logging.getLogger (__name__) class MemcacheTrace (newrelic.api.time_trace.TimeTrace ): node = newrelic.core.memcache_node.MemcacheNode def __init__(self, transaction, command ): super (MemcacheTrace, self ).__init__(transaction ) self.command = command def dump (self, file ): print >> file, self.__class__.__name__, dict (command=self.command ) def create_node (self ): return self.node (command=self.command, children=self.children, start_time=self.start_time, end_time=self.end_time, duration=self.duration, exclusive=self.exclusive ) def terminal_node (self ): return True class MemcacheTraceWrapper (object ): def __init__(self, wrapped, command ): if isinstance (wrapped, tuple ): (instance, wrapped ) = wrapped else: instance = None newrelic.api.object_wrapper.update_wrapper (self, wrapped ) self._nr_instance = instance self._nr_next_object = wrapped if not hasattr (self, '_nr_last_object'): self._nr_last_object = wrapped self._nr_command = command def __get__(self, instance, klass ): if instance is None: return self descriptor = self._nr_next_object.__get__(instance, klass ) return self.__class__((instance, descriptor ), self._nr_command ) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs ): transaction = newrelic.api.transaction.current_transaction () if not transaction: return self._nr_next_object (*args, **kwargs ) if callable (self._nr_command ): if self._nr_instance is not None: command = self._nr_command (self._nr_instance, *args, **kwargs ) else: command = self._nr_command (*args, **kwargs ) else: command = self._nr_command with MemcacheTrace (transaction, command ): return self._nr_next_object (*args, **kwargs ) def memcache_trace (command ): def decorator (wrapped ): return MemcacheTraceWrapper (wrapped, command ) return decorator def wrap_memcache_trace (module, object_path, command ): newrelic.api.object_wrapper.wrap_object (module, object_path, MemcacheTraceWrapper, (command,)) |
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TINGYUN OP @glasslion
tingyun-database.redis.py from tingyun.api.tracert.redis_trace import wrap_redis_trace from tingyun.api.tracert.function_trace import wrap_function_trace rewrite_command = ['setex', 'lrem', 'zadd'] basic_command = [ 'append', 'bgrewriteaof', 'bgsave', 'bitcount', 'bitop', 'bitpos', 'blpop', 'brpop', 'brpoplpush', 'client_getname', 'client_kill', 'client_list', 'client_setname', 'config_get', 'config_resetstat', 'config_rewrite', 'config_set', 'connection_pool', 'dbsize', 'debug_object', 'decr', 'delete', 'dump', 'echo', 'eval', 'evalsha', 'execute_command', 'exists', 'expire', 'expireat', 'flushall', 'flushdb', 'from_url', 'get', 'getbit', 'getrange', 'getset', 'hdel', 'hexists', 'hget', 'hgetall', 'hincrby', 'hincrbyfloat', 'hkeys', 'hlen', 'hmget', 'hmset', 'hscan', 'hscan_iter', 'hset', 'hsetnx', 'hvals', 'incr', 'incrby', 'incrbyfloat', 'info', 'keys', 'lastsave', 'lindex', 'linsert', 'llen', 'lock', 'lpop', 'lpush', 'lpushx', 'lrange', 'lrem', 'lset', 'ltrim', 'mget', 'move', 'mset', 'msetnx', 'object', 'parse_response', 'persist', 'pexpire', 'pexpireat', 'pfadd', 'pfcount', 'pfmerge', 'ping', 'pipeline', 'psetex', 'pttl', 'publish', 'pubsub', 'randomkey', 'register_script', 'rename', 'renamenx', 'response_callbacks', 'restore', 'rpop', 'rpoplpush', 'rpush', 'rpushx', 'sadd', 'save', 'scan', 'scan_iter', 'scard', 'script_exists', 'script_flush', 'script_kill', 'script_load', 'sdiff', 'sdiffstore', 'set', 'set_response_callback', 'setbit', 'setex', 'setnx', 'setrange', 'shutdown', 'sinter', 'sinterstore', 'sismember', 'slaveof', 'slowlog_get', 'slowlog_len', 'slowlog_reset', 'smembers', 'smove', 'sort', 'spop', 'srandmember', 'srem', 'sscan', 'sscan_iter', 'strlen', 'substr', 'sunion', 'sunionstore', 'time', 'transaction', 'ttl', 'type', 'unwatch', 'watch', 'zadd', 'zcard', 'zcount', 'zincrby', 'zinterstore', 'zlexcount', 'zrange', 'zrangebylex', 'zrangebyscore', 'zrank', 'zrem', 'zremrangebylex', 'zremrangebyrank', 'zremrangebyscore', 'zrevrange', 'zrevrangebyscore', 'zrevrank', 'zscan', 'zscan_iter', 'zscore', 'zunionstore'] def detect_connection (module ): """ :param module: :return: """ if hasattr (module, 'Connection') and hasattr (module.Connection, 'connect'): wrap_function_trace (module, "Connection.connect", name="connect") def detect_client_operation (module ): """ :param module: :return: """ if hasattr (module, 'StrictRedis'): for command in basic_command: if hasattr (module.StrictRedis, command ): wrap_redis_trace (module, "StrictRedis.%s" % command, command ) if hasattr (module, 'Redis'): for command in rewrite_command: if hasattr (module.Redis, command ): wrap_redis_trace (module, "Redis.%s" % command, command ) elif hasattr (module, 'Redis'): for command in basic_command: if hasattr (module.Redis, command ): wrap_redis_trace (module, "Redis.%s" % command, command ) newrelic_database.nosql_redis.py import newrelic.api.function_trace _methods_1 = ['bgrewriteaof', 'bgsave', 'config_get', 'config_set', 'dbsize', 'debug_object', 'delete', 'echo', 'flushall', 'flushdb', 'info', 'lastsave', 'object', 'ping', 'save', 'shutdown', 'slaveof', 'append', 'decr', 'exists', 'expire', 'expireat', 'get', 'getbit', 'getset', 'incr', 'keys', 'mget', 'mset', 'msetnx', 'move', 'persist', 'randomkey', 'rename', 'renamenx', 'set', 'setbit', 'setex', 'setnx', 'setrange', 'strlen', 'substr', 'ttl', 'type', 'blpop', 'brpop', 'brpoplpush', 'lindex', 'linsert', 'llen', 'lpop', 'lpush', 'lpushx', 'lrange', 'lrem', 'lset', 'ltrim', 'rpop', 'rpoplpush', 'rpush', 'rpushx', 'sort', 'sadd', 'scard', 'sdiff', 'sdiffstore', 'sinter', 'sinterstore', 'sismember', 'smembers', 'smove', 'spop', 'srandmember', 'srem', 'sunion', 'sunionstore', 'zadd', 'zcard', 'zcount', 'zincrby', 'zinterstore', 'zrange', 'zrangebyscore', 'zrank', 'zrem', 'zremrangebyrank', 'zremrangebyscore', 'zrevrange', 'zrevrangebyscore', 'zrevrank', 'zscore', 'zunionstore', 'hdel', 'hexists', 'hget', 'hgetall', 'hincrby', 'hkeys', 'hlen', 'hset', 'hsetnx', 'hmset', 'hmget', 'hvals', 'publish'] _methods_2 = ['setex', 'lrem', 'zadd'] def instrument_redis_connection (module ): newrelic.api.function_trace.wrap_function_trace ( module, 'Connection.connect') def instrument_redis_client (module ): if hasattr (module, 'StrictRedis'): for method in _methods_1: if hasattr (module.StrictRedis, method ): newrelic.api.function_trace.wrap_function_trace ( module, 'StrictRedis.%s' % method ) else: for method in _methods_1: if hasattr (module.Redis, method ): newrelic.api.function_trace.wrap_function_trace ( module, 'Redis.%s' % method ) for method in _methods_2: if hasattr (module.Redis, method ): newrelic.api.function_trace.wrap_function_trace (module, 'Redis.%s' % method ) |
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alsotang 2015-08-25 15:00:37 +08:00 ![]() 在这里贴代码也是醉了。。。。。我最近发现个网站挺好用的,在此推荐一下: https://gist.github.com/