ppokyou 2019-08-21 10:05:45 +08:00 via iPhone
没看懂,多个 ie 实例跟多个虚拟机有什么关系?
jackielu 2019-08-21 10:07:09 +08:00
尝试一下 pyppeteer
imyip 2019-08-21 10:14:59 +08:00
本来想说 docker, 然后才看到了是 ie
asus10tu OP @ppokyou 多个实例是打算开几个 ie 同时操作网页,但是这样会互相影响出问题,导致找不到元素,点不到之类,官方建议是开多个虚拟机,然后每个虚拟机运行一个 ie。
![]() |
Vegetable 2019-08-21 10:23:35 +08:00
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/master/cpp/iedriverserver/CHANGELOG v3.141.5.8 Please note that the advice and support policy of the IE driver will continue to be that the user must set the Protected Mode settings of the browser properly before using the driver. Any "issues" that arise by not having the settings set, but that disappear when the settings are corrected, are not considered by the project to be valid issues. This will include, but not be limited to, issues like abandoned browser instances not being closed, use of multiple instances of the driver where the wrong browser window is connected to and automated, and issues where the driver appears to hang upon navigation to a new page. If the problem disappears when the browser is properly configured, any issue reports will be immediately closed with a note to properly configure the browser and remove the capability. v2.26.0.6 ========= * Added use of a mutex when creating a session. This should allow multiple threads to create and use different instances of IEDriverServer.exe, enabling multiple instances under most language bindings. 我不能试,但是看这个更新日志,多个实例出错好像是因为没打开 Protected Mode? |
asus10tu OP 有大佬给点点思路么,我已经想不到其他方法了
ppokyou 2019-08-23 13:25:14 +08:00 via iPhone
@asus10tu 可以试试以下两种思路:
1. 在同一台测试机上启动多个实例,但确保每个实例都是不同的 windows user,这样就可以隔离 2. 测试机上装个 windows docker desktop,在不同的 container 里跑 |