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2020-01-26 16:03:16 +08:00
回复了 houlin 创建的主题 互联网 不懂就问,关于疫情数据,国外这个网站实时数据准确吗?
2020-01-16 22:48:38 +08:00
回复了 kookoo900 创建的主题 硬件 键盘脏了,你们是如何清理的?
2020-01-07 02:23:06 +08:00
回复了 stage0071 创建的主题 问与答 小时候吃过的美味,有哪些长大后再吃觉得没那么好吃了?
2019-12-19 09:45:04 +08:00
回复了 ottawa8821 创建的主题 问与答 屏幕素质可以比肩 Macbook 本的(Windows 本)有哪些推荐???
联想小新, 看参数不错,2.5k+100%srgb
一台云电表至少 100+而且很娇贵的,1000 度回本,还有电表坏收不到钱的风险,还有总表到分表的线路损耗,其实你的房东亏了
2019-12-12 09:44:55 +08:00
回复了 javashell 创建的主题 CentOS centos 如何跳过光盘完整性检查?
1.换 vga 口 2.看下主板上有没其它显示接口的备用排针 3.试下串口是否有启动输出
2019-12-11 22:30:31 +08:00
回复了 LiYanHong 创建的主题 问与答 电脑装机问题,显示插头不能完全插入
1.买 dp 口加长的线 2.不嫌丑的话,路边找个修车或门窗店请师傅用角磨机把不要的机箱铁片磨掉,然后找个直磨机或锉刀修修以免割手
2019-11-27 23:37:56 +08:00
回复了 sl0000 创建的主题 问与答 哪里能买到服务器 CPU,求推荐靠谱的卖家
2019-11-18 12:34:47 +08:00
回复了 lasuar 创建的主题 Z shell [shell] 关于通配符的两点疑问
"grep -P" 正则表达式
Joplin,除了桌面便签貌似都有: https://joplinapp.org/
缺的功能可以自己补充: https://github.com/laurent22/joplin

Desktop, mobile and terminal applications.
Web Clipper for Firefox and Chrome.
End To End Encryption (E2EE)
Support notes, to-dos, tags and notebooks.
Markdown notes, which are rendered with images and formatting in the desktop and mobile applications. Support for extra features such as math notation and checkboxes.
Search functionality.
貌似没人回,楼主先来第一份回复(对, 我是来给 Python 和 xlwings 打广告的~ 脱离最新技术好久了,欢迎纠错~)

3. What does your app/add-in do?
4. What kind of Office development do you do? (VSTO, macros, etc.)
7. How do you test your app/add-in?

1). load excel data to python pandas dataframes:
a. for simple sheets batch automation, use pandas ( https://pandas.pydata.org/ ) or dask ( https://dask.org/ )
b. for single sheet live analyzing, use xlwings: https://www.xlwings.org/
( This tool can call windows native excel API directly and don't need to install excel plugins. )

2). live analyzing data and write functions on Jupyter notebook( https://jupyter.org/ )

3). present result
a. for simple result, export to excel with xlwings or pandas
b. for complex result, save to db and create a single page site with python flask and jquery datatable
c. if using SQL server, save to db, and refresh data on excel directly

5. Which Office Products have you targeted? (Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint)

6. Do you use .NET references to Office client libraries for your app/add-in?
Yes, using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word and Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.

8. Do you test on multiple versions of Office and/or Windows? Which versions? 32 bit vs 64 bit?
Yes but don't care.

9. Do the differences in version make a difference when testing? Deploying? How so?

10. How do you deploy your app/add-in today? (Click once, link on website, etc)
link on website

11. What is the most annoying aspects of testing your app/add-in in general?
PivotTable functions are too complex and hard to use: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.office.interop.excel.pivotcache.createpivottable
Seems can't get raw data from PivotCache directly as far as I know.

12. Would a solution like this solve your problem?
No, as I don't use VSTO.

13. Which versions of Windows and Office would you like to see?
Windows 10. Offce 2016+ and 365 online version.

14. We're thinking about pricing the usage of VMs at 1 dollar an hour. How man hours do you regularly test now? How many hours do you think you would use this?
$1/Hour is too expensive for personal use.

15. Have you used Azure before? If so, for what?
No. Azure didn't accept my Chinese credit card.

16. If there was a magic solution for testing the Office apps that would provide the most value to you, what would it be?
Simplify pivot table/chart related functions in Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel and better provide Python sdk to call them.
Support C# REPL( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xilWlL7X5A ) on Azure Notebooks and also for open source Jupyter.
2019-11-06 09:41:12 +08:00
回复了 wpblank 创建的主题 全球工单系统 有人 diy 过便携显示器吗?刚做了个发现会抖屏
在衣服上贴个"考研专用"的纸条一起拍进去:手动 doge:
2019-11-04 13:50:56 +08:00
回复了 yfixx 创建的主题 问与答 租房子出问题了,请教各位 ver 该怎么办?
2019-09-20 19:52:40 +08:00
回复了 blackcurrant 创建的主题 硬件 火线零线都有电,电器不工作
市电 36v, 这结果太不正常, 猜测虚接断路,需要万用表测准确电压,优利德最便宜的型号就行可能比你的笔还便宜。另外确认下空开是否带漏保功能。
2019-06-13 23:29:10 +08:00
回复了 zhujunhan7 创建的主题 程序员 excel 数据自动填网页
python xlwings(直接调用 windows excel API) + selenium
2019-05-19 15:58:26 +08:00
回复了 pinews 创建的主题 奇思妙想 程序中有没有生物父母兄弟姐妹的概念?
面向对象的父类子类是数学上的超类子类,是包含关系。html 类似,不过只有相邻节点算父子算借鉴了生物学吧。个人理解。
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